Ways in which to save money on your monthly insurance premium:
- Get Epic Wealth to obtain the most competitive quotes that will meet your requirements and to manage your portfolio thereafter;
- Ensure that all insured items are insured at the correct replacement value;
- All items must be listed and insured in the correct sections. In other words your policy must be structured correctly;
- Your no-claim bonus must be borne in mind at all times;
- Obtain different quotes from different insurers and compare them carefully. Do not accept the first quote that is offered to you. Ensure that you understand what you are covered for;
- Review your insurance policies at least once a year and apply the necessary depreciation of motor vehicles and other items;
- Security of motor vehicles and buildings plays a prominent role in determining insurance premiums;
- Take out your household and motor vehicle insurance at the same insurer;
- Lower monthly insurance premiums are guaranteed by a good insurance record; and
- Do not claim unnecessary – once again, remember your no-claim bonus!